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Women represent half of the population and their full and equitable importance in politics is essential to build a strong and vibrant democracy.
Their participation in politics helps advance gender equality and affects both the range of policy issues that get considered and the types of solutions that are proposed.
There is also strong evidence that as more women are elected to office, there is an increase in policy making that emphasizes quality of life and reflects the priorities of families, women and ethnic and racial minorities.
Joe Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris as his VP running mate is not only historic but inspiring. The importance that she is a multiracial WOMAN OF COLOR and a daughter of immigrants is significant in unleashing the power within ourselves to stand up and fight for equality, social justice and the sustainability of our democracy.
Despite the constant and numerous barriers facing women especially women of color, Harris has proven she is tough as nails, a true fighter and a WARRIOR for the people.
Activate Your Power. VOTE.
Learn more about the I AM WARRIOR Series at JacquelineRudolph.com
Why Kamala Harris’ Rise Is So Remarkable
Black women face so many more hurdles to success in the U.S.
As the sexist and racist attacks against Kamala Harris pile on, there’s one line of criticism that is particularly ripe for debunking. That’s the idea that Harris, Joe Biden’s running mate for president, is some kind of “affirmative action hire,” chosen not on her merits but as a “box-checking exercise for the ‘woke’ crowd,” as Fox News’ Laura Ingraham put it.
The implication here is that Harris isn’t qualified for the role. Of course that’s absurd…
Hand-painted Leather Jackets by Jacqueline Rudolph
Celebrity culture is a fascinating phenomenon, who we admire, pay attention to and model ourselves. It reveals what we think about ourselves individually and collectively at a deep level. Its an affirmation of who we want to be or become.
Icons are an inspiration to one who wants to have the courage to do what they thought they could not do. Celebrity fascination brings to the fore front an aspect of contemporary cultural change that involves our deepest longings and our highest ideals.
These iconic portrayals are meant to inspire an empowering awareness of your own potential and to make a connection with someone you admire or look up to or inspires you to become the person you aim to be.